This past summer I went on a study
abroad program to China. It was an interesting experience to say the least; it
was a different atmosphere than what I had anticipated. At an urban setting
there is a lot of resemblance to Mexico City. The street vendors, the public
vs. private space re appropriation battle, the ingenious adaptations to create
new markets, all of these things that seem to root from the economic issues
that prevail in both of these countries start to shape the urban fabric
accordingly. One of the most obvious differences is in regards to public space,
in Mexico the space is taken over or occupied at convenience and it transforms
through time, in China there is a clear invisible boundary stating that a lot
of these spaces are off limits and it is well respected among the Chinese
population. What is most interesting
about the Chinese city is that there seems to be no density gradient, one
minute one could be surrounded by high rise buildings and just a 10 minute
drive could be the difference between Starbucks and rural farming.
Some people argue that China is
where most of us as architects are going to be working sooner or later, the
rapid growth of their cities is undeniable and the fearless approach of the
government when it comes to building is astonishing. This notion of super-fast
design and production is what China has become to be known for, but among the
young architecture students there was a different feeling. As opposed to the
fast paced designers that seem to be prevailing in the major cities there is a
more conscious approach in the universities. The Chinese students have a
grounded sensibility and respect when designing. This became almost a
juxtaposition with the American students; the Americans were eager to produce
the most work possible and the Chinese students were more interested in setting
up a discourse among all of us to try understand history of site in order to
respect it, living conditions and more importantly to truly know and understand
the people living in the area.
Photo by Miguel A. Reyes |